Monday 1 September 2008

Ice cream (without an ice cream maker)

Up until a few months ago, I'd never even considered making ice cream, as I thought it'd be far too difficult without an ice cream maker. Then, one of my friends at uni mentioned to me that she'd made some strawberry ice cream and how easy it was, so I hastily asked her for her recipe and tried it out myself. Despite not having an ice cream maker, it turned out perfectly, and guess running to the freezer to stir it every half hour either! I found out that because of the absence of milk, there's no issue of ice crystals forming (thanks, BBC Food).

This is the basic recipe, so you can add whatever flavouring you inventive! Here are some ideas which deviate somewhat from the bog standard chocolate, vanilla and strawberry - avocado, lavender, peanut butter and chocolate, cheesecake (cream cheese, biscuits, fruit), chocolate orange, green tea, sweetcorn, sharon fruit, rose, wasabi (I saw this in Japan but unfortunately didn't get a chance to try it!), sweet potato.

300ml of double cream
3 eggs
3 desert spoons of sugar (30g)
Flavouring of your choice

1. Whip the cream until it is thick.
2. Separate the eggs, and beat the yolks. [I have made a separate post with some tips on dealing with egg whites for people who aren't sure - it isn't that important for them to be perfect for ice cream, but matters a lot more when making cakes that require separated mixtures]
3. Beat the whites with the sugar until they form stiff peaks
4. Mix the egg yolks and cream together and fold in the whites.
5. Next, fold in your flavouring. If you're using fruit, you should puree it in a food processor before adding it to the mixture. Just adjust to your taste - as a rough guide, I'd use between 250 and 500ml of pureed fruit, depending on how strong the flavour of it is. I also added some hundreds and thousands to mine to make it cute ^^
6. Transfer to a suitable container, stick in the freezer, wait until frozen and EAT!

1 comment:

Rinny said...

I'll be trying to make green lentil ice cream today!!! Wish me luck! =O